Who's out there?

Every now and then I like to take a look at my stats from StatCounter. It isn’t that the 22,467 hits EFD logged since first bursting onto the blog scene in April 2005 are particularly impressive. Rather, I like to get a general idea of who is reading. I can discern this information from the “Visitor Paths” feature of my Web counter as it posts information such as:

n219077034095.netvigator.com (Pccw Limited) [Label IP Address]

Hong Kong (sar), Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 0 returning visits

Date Time WebPage
21st August 2007 08:44:18 www.google.com.hk/search?complete=1&hl=zh-TW&q=eight feet dog&meta=

The above lists a computer’s IP address, where the server is located, the date, time, how the reader got to this page (such as via Google in this case — looking for “eight feet dog”)and the particular page of EFD that was viewed. The number of return visits is also listed in this particular table.

It is fascinating for what subjects people search. Here are some searches currently on my Visitor Paths page:

” … trish murphy concession stand lyrics … “
” … Stevi Perry … ” (a frequent favorite)
” … bishop lekganyane … ” (a favorite among searchers in southern Africa)
” … tropical depressing erin … “
(Well, yes it was downright depressing for some)

Also of interest from my Web counter over the past five days:

Percentage of hits from the countries of EFD visitors followed in ( ) by number of hits during this time period.
85.92% United States (61)
4.23% Canada (3)
2.82% New Zealand (2)
1.41% South Africa (1)
1.41% United Kingdom (1)
1.41% Austria (1)
1.41% Hong Kong (1)
1.41% Unknown (1)

Web browsers used:

58.00% MSIE 6.0 (Microsoft Internet Explorer for the geekless)
37.00% MSIE 7.0
4.00% Safari 1.2
1.00% Safari 1.0

Now if StatCounter can only tell me which visitors are likely to send me big piles o’ cash then what more would a blogger want?

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