Will a government-inspired health plan get my dental crown reseated?

Let’s hope the ringing has ceased for awhile. I have been on the phone back and forth with several people this afternoon from my part-time job talking about where my work computer needs to be delivered. Funny, I thought I was off this weekend.

While all of this back-and-forth was going on I tried without success to reseat my gold molar crown which came off while flossing a couple of nights ago. That’s right, flossing, which only proves no good deed goes unpunished. The good deed I spoke of was supposed to have been for my teeth.

This has to be the fourth time the crown has popped out in the 30 years I have had it. I used some Dentemp the other night and the crown sat like it should until I woke up in the middle of the night only to discover it was once again rolling about in my mouth. I guess I am fortunate that I didn’t swallow it.

Who I will get to fix my crown and where are now questions I have to ask along with how much will it cost? I have no insurance, health or otherwise, and the VA doesn’t take care of my teeth because I have no service-connected injury or illness.

So why am I writing about this? Well, for two reasons. I try to write something every weekday. So I am doing that. Secondly, my dental predicament makes me wonder if the Obama administration will actually have some measure passed on health care and whether it will include dental care? Knowing my luck, I probably won’t qualify for it because I receive VA health care. Why do I automatically assume some Catch-22 when it comes to the government coming up with some kind of health care plan? It’s the government. It’s who I work part-time for, you know, the ones who have been calling me all afternoon even though any other time they would be on my case for my working when I am not scheduled to do so.

Here’s wishing us good health.

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