If you live within a decent drive of Sabine Pass, Texas, go help out those folks on Saturday, Oct. 11, 2008.
If you were a former newspaper reporter and still a news junkie like me, today would be a day that would just send you through the roof with buzz like you inhaled BO from Cheech and Chong.
I woke up today with the Dow Jones down almost 700 points and by the time I shaved and showered and walked out the door to work, the stock market was already in positive territory. This evening, the government appears to be going into the stock market, as in buying bank stock. Ha. Tra la.
The Alaska Legislature just this evenin’ decided that their (G)overnor Sarah “Mad Do(g)” Palin, the moose-killin,’ g-droppin,’ (G)OP veep candidate overstepped her power by firin’ the state’s public safety director who wouldn’t s**tcan her ex-bro-in-law.
Meanwhile, Sen. John McCain, who is the (G)OP nominee for president has asked his supporters to tone down their ire toward his opponent, Sen. Barack Will Smith Obama, after Palin and McCain surrogates have voiced everything short of lynching the skinny little black guy (Obama, not the Fresh Prince) the Dems have as their candidate.
So I should be happy as hell with so much news coursing through the Mojo wires and go walking up and down N. 11th Street, yelling and screaming, were it not for the fact that the Beaumont Police Department, ever on the outlook for hookers and anyone who would dare walk up N. 11th while the police have nothing better to do are ready to tell me to walk on the OTHER SIDE of N. 11th. So I will stay where I am and plot tomorrow.
And tomorrow, I plan to go to Sabine Pass, which was hit like Beaumont by Hurricane Ike except about 300 times worse and since it is right on the Gulf of Mexico, our fellow Jefferson Countians (or -ites if you prefer to sound like some sort of iron ore) need all kinds of help. Folks are being asked to come down to Sabine Pass and be folks and help clean up the huge mess they have in Sabine Pass, which got the hell knocked out of it only three years ago by Hurricane Rita. (The TV show “Extreme Makeover” rebuilt the high school auditorium and the Port Arthur fire station there after Rita.)
Now my old defective C-spine won’t let me do a lot of digging or shoveling or whatever. But there are things I can do as well as others, if you read this article by our decent little daily newspaper, the Beaumont Enterprise, you can find out what those things are. So maybe I will see you there in Sabine Pass tomorrow. I will be the one in his early 50s with the bad back and the bald head (I bet you won’t find many people like that there.)