A global village

On the World Wide Web

For whatever the reasons, I didn’t pay all that much attention to my StatCounter page after I installed the counter on the blog. As I had said after posting the counter I had heard various opinions of Web counters. Some were good. Some were not good. I still looked at the stats even though I am not being overrun with visitors.

It wasn’t until a day or two ago that I realized Stat Counter does some pretty cool tricks. The most interesting to me is the “Visitor Paths” tool. This lists over a couple of days’ time the computer host and location of the visitor. Using this I can sometimes determine, or at least have a pretty good idea, who is visiting. For instance, when I see the computer host is in Paragould, Arkansas, I can pretty well guess that my friend Suzie or someone in her household is reading EFD. Hey Suzie!

What I think is way cool is knowing I have international visitors. In the last 24 hours I had people check out EFD from Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, the Netherlands, the Bahamas and the United Kingdom. The Visitor Path feature also provides referring links. I checked out some of those referring links and was dismayed to find one in the United Kingdom that proclaims: “We don’t like Americans.” Well, good for you. We don’t like people who don’t like Americans. I am not going to further its intentions of slamming the U.S. by providing its link.

Still, it’s nice to know people around the world are checking out some of my lunacy. And I am glad to welcome the global village to my musings but I must be brutally frank, Frank. If you don’t like Americans, you probably won’t like me, so just stay the hell away. Okay? Okay.

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