And a little child (well, teenager) shall lead them

Thankfully, there are some days when I don’t have to write too much to prove a point. That is true today. I will give the basics, present a link to read and then it’s up to someone else. That sounds good to me on this day when I just want to kick my feet up and maybe watch a little news or indulge in some other diversion.

My point concerns a 16-year-old Jersey girl (not of the MTV kind) named Amy Myers who has challenged U.S. Rep. Michelle Bachmann, a possible GOP presidential contender, to a debate on the Constitution and American History. I saw Amy on Lawrence O’Donnell’s MSNBC show and she certainly seems as if she could go head-to-head with the loopy Minnesota congresswoman.

The story linked above tells about how a backlash came from this story with “thugs” who support Bachmann or Sarah Palin or their ilk. These are people who leave very nasty comments about Amy and her family just because she is brave enough and intelligent enough to stand up for what she believes is right. Some people have even looked up where Amy’s dad works and have decided to harass him as well. Some of the threats are violent although likely the vast majority are those chicken s**ts who say all kind of nasty or racist or threatening things about people but don’t leave their name because they sure as hell wouldn’t want to have to stand up to some one who challenged them.

A bad, even terrible byproduct of the Internet is exposing the rampant cowardice that pervades our nation. Yeah, you heard me right! Cowards. When I wrote for a newspaper I used to get all kinds of calls from people who would be raising hell about this or that. But for the most part,  the conversations would have a civil tone because we all identified ourselves. But these “thugs,” as the writer of the linked story puts it are content to let there yellow streaks do their work for them. Some of those comments being left are of the type that the normal person would want to harm these gutless wonders who dare insult or threaten their daughters or granddaughters.

I don’t use my name here on this blog because I don’t feel the need to call attention to my life, at least that which I choose not to write about. If you read this blog, you will find that I choose to write about a lot about my life. It also isn’t very hard to figure out who I am if you don’t know. Not that I am prominent. You ask me who I am and I will probably tell you. I say probably, it depends on why you want to know and how you ask. It’s all pretty simple.

In no way am I expressing pity for Amy Myers. She made a big decision to stand up to a congresswoman and ask her to debate the Constitution and history, especially since Bachmann is an attorney (although I am not sure of the standing in the law community of graduates from Oral Roberts University, where Bachmann received her law degree. I would bet they have to have great oral arguments. You thought I was going to say something else, didn’t you? Dirty mind!) It takes guts to do what Amy did and is doing. Too bad she can’t be an inspirational figure for all those who disagree with her.