Another '08 presidential campaign announcement

Since Sen. Joe Biden, D-Someawhere, has announced he will seek the Democratic nomination for president in 2008, I felt that it was time to make an announcement.

Eightfeetdeep has decided to run for president. With everyone and their dog throwing their hat in the ring, the ring is beginning to look like … well, a ring with a lot of hats in it. I don’t know all the federal election rules, so don’t send any campaign donations just yet. But as I have noted before and, most notably since I have been living out of my pickup truck, I DO accept donations so just send me your money and I’ll make sure Mr. Eightfeetdeep gets the money. Mr. EFD will be a splendid president. He will be all things to everyone and make sure a car is in every chicken and a garage is in every pot.

The list of issues EFD wants to address will also be coming at a later date. Oh, by the way, the photo is an avatar for Mr. EFD. In case you don’t get it, think Popsicle. Then think, freezing one’s backside off.

Here is a separate but equal issue. It is not a matter worthy of the president but is of great importance to those who either can’t afford or are too cheap to secure Internet service in Beaumont, Texas.

The Beaumont Public Library, at least the Central location where I have currently plopped down, needs new computers. I understood before leaving and then returning to our fair city that new machines were supposedly in the works. But nonetheless the same old computers on which Internet Explorer vanishes about every third surf are here. Maybe the old city council is waiting for a new city council to be elected before new computers are purchased, I don’t know. But new computers are needed yesterday if not sooner.

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