George Walker “Gee Dubya” Bush will give his farewell address tonight. Is he gone yet?
As I have mentioned here many times Bush Jr. has been not only a terrific disappointment as president he has been the worst president in my memory, which goes back to Jack Kennedy. I loathed Richard Nixon even though Tricky Dick was my first military commander-in-chief and actually did make some positive contributions while in office. All the more GHWB is a personal disappointment because he is the only president I ever interviewed, although those interviews were before he even ran for Texas governor. And I covered a good many functions at which he spoke as governor as well as attending several news events when he was president. While actively working in the news biz I experienced his entire elected political career, abysmal as that was.
Shrub was a divider, not a uniter, to use the converse of his little campaign phrase. He took us into an unnecessary, unwise and probably illegal war in Iraq. He trampled upon our civil liberties. If the Republicans hadn’t had their knickers in a wad over Bubba Clinton, Bush might have been impeached. I don’t know. Maybe I give Congress way too much credit sometimes. It goes on and on and on though. I wish Bush would have been a success even though I believe the Supremes crossed the line when their decision made him president.
I hope Obama is better. If he’s not, we are in some kind of trouble.