CIA's misconduct. What a surprise!

It is, sadly, predictable that something so putrid as the news the CIA destroyed video tapes on which questionable interrogation tactics could be found has surfaced. It is just one more instance of just how morally bankrupt is our current presidential administration. I would not expect the CIA under a George Orwellian W. Bush government to leave evidence lying around that might put some top governmental officials in the crosshairs of international war crimes tribunals. Hey, haven’t you heard? 9/11 is our excuse to act morally reprehensible in front of the rest of the world while we preach our perfection of democracy, with the littlest “d” possible. It’s a good thing that a lot of people who live in this country, such as myself, actually love our country. Because if we didn’t feel like this nation wasn’t worth saving we would be facing probably days much darker than those of the mid-19th century. Are matters really that serious facing our nation and its future place in the world? You bet your ass they are. And the quicker people start figuring that out and getting sick of the kind of crap we are letting the Bush regime get away with the faster we can once again be a nation that can truly hold up its head and make our world neighbors enviable instead of disgusted.

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