¿Como se dice “snoring at the lap top?”

Distraction Free Writing. What a concept!

Here I am with just a large white screen o’ nothingness. Just a man and his computer white board.

This is part of my new updated Word Press site. I can click the screen, well, maybe press Escape, and it’s all gone. Really, it just ends right back to the dashboard. Then I click on this box of arrows, configured into an “X.” and it takes me back to the world of distraction free writing. Well, at least it is distraction free on the computer screen. I have millions of other objects to distract me in my peripheral vision.

Isn’t this fascinating? ¿No es este fascinante? I’m still taking advantage of my free Spanish lessons on Fluencia. One receives about 15 free lessons in Spanish before you have to pay. So far, the site has, at the very least, reminded me of what I learned in two semesters of college Spanish. That time wasn’t all that well spent but I did get a bit of good from it. I believe both of my Spanish professors are deceased so I shall not speak of them to avoid speaking ill of the dead. I suppose that sentence alone may offer a hint as to the esteem those people were held in my estimation.

Fluencia only pokes gentle fun at me when I get a word wrong.

Well, it looks as if I am back to “distracted” writing.  I suppose it doesn’t make any difference to me. But what does influence me is my nearing sleep at the keyboard. I seemed to get plenty of sleep overnight. Six hours or so. I think a lot of the sleepiness comes from sitting at the computer all day.

Also, I went to my first physical therapy session yesterday for rehabilitating the knee. It wasn’t too bad. But I am sore. Sore and sleepy. Until next time.