GW looking slightly crazier after all these years.
I just love the White House Web site. It’s the best thing since beans. On that site I can — to paraphrase the immortal schmaltzer Bobby Goldsboro — sit here watching Scotty’s nose grow. I speak of Scotty McClellan, of course. I can’t wait to see what he’s got not to say today. But I suppose I will have to contain myself until the official press briefing transcript is posted.
But I also love the White House’s site because I can lift photos of the president without infringing on anyone’s copyright. And two good ones of GW were posted today from his trip to Panama. Both look equally goofy. I couldn’t decide which one to use so I decided to use both.
The president tries to bean NBC’s David Gregory who is on the phone to Don Imus.
I suppose I could do better than that caption. But I am taking a break from real, by God paying work, and break time’s over. It’s back on my head.