One has to wonder about the intellectual acuity of societal members who engage in totally over-the-edge Internet discourse for all the world to see.
I speak of the recent flap over a poll placed by a third party on Facebook that asked if the President of the United States should be killed. That such a horrendous post would be put up by some dips**t for millions of readers is stupid beyond imagination on more than one level. Some 700 responses were received before the offending poll was removed by Facebook. Left out in all the stories I have read were the numbers voting in the affirmative. We thus have little knowledge whether the omission was a gesture of good taste or something to do with the ongoing investigation of the incident by the Secret Service. It would be kind of instructive to know.
Given that a person or persons are stupid enough to post something so obscene makes me think there are people who are as equally moronic that they would answer online in favor of the question.
Now I don’t know if all Facebook polls are created equally but I see quite a few voted on by my Facebook friends that are exhibited in plain view on their sites. But even if the poll allowed for some smidgen of anonymity, do you think that maybe authorities like the Secret Service might just find a way to crack that secrecy via warrants and various legal niceties?
It doesn’t matter if you were joking — and if you were joking I can’t imagine anyone with the sense of humor to laugh at such barbarity — if you were stupid enough to vote on that poll and answered something other than “no” it seems like you should be due a visit by some scary looking dudes wearing suits and dark glasses. And that is the way it should be.
Some actions do not rise to the level of felonious stupidity. I say posting this poll on Facebook, and voting at all, but at the very least voting “yes” or “yes if he cuts my health care” is grievously stupid.
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