I’ve popped into the library for a few and the machine on which I am using has decided Blogger cannot allow me linkage, so therefore if you want to read anything I happen to mention here you will just have to look it up. Believe me, it won’t hurt a bit. I’ve spent a lifetime looking things up and still I have no better vocabulary than to call those items which I have looked up “things.” Pitiful, just pitiful.
After leaving work at noon I got into the spirit of potential Gustav victim and went shopping for hurricane supplies at Tar-jay and der Valmart. I might even be on some local TV news B-roll tonight as some station was aiming its camera right toward me. If you see me, I will be the shaven-headed old man looking confused at Target.
To be sure, a lot is available to occupy my mind right now: Gustav, GOP veep candidate Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska (a former beauty queen and local TV news sports reporter)and the post-mortem of Barack, Lunch Pail Joe and the Denver convention. But I think I will just go home from now and watch “Monk” reruns if they happen to be playing. I will keep checking frequently this weekend on Gustav and Hanna (I mispelled her-its name yesterday. Sorry, I have this problem of being a little human.)Happy Labour Day Comrade!