Ann Coulter has been in the news a lot lately because of some stupid things she has been saying while hawking her new book: “Gas the Liberals.” Or some such offensive title like that. She has made nasty comments in her book and on television about 9/11 victims who don’t abide by her Nazi-like, conservative line.
Coulter always says stupid things and she is good at getting publicity when she says something stupid that tends to piss someone off. The Super Bowl for most outrageous huckster would likely include Coulter and Bill O’Reilly.
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., is also in the news a lot. Many pundits say she is going to run for president like her cad hubby, the Billster. Hillary doesn’t have to make outrageous statements to draw attention to herself. Just her mere existence makes her right-wing foes lose all reason and causes their faces to light up red due to their boiling Republican blood.
So we know about the ability of Coulter and Hillary Clinton to attract attention. But what we don’t know — and this is very important — is who would win in an old-fashioned, whip-ass match between the two blondes?
It is such an intriguing idea, the two of them in a physical altercation, that I would probably buy action figures of both and stage grudge matches between them were it not for the fact that my friends already think I’m pretty weird.
Personally, I think it would be no contest. Hillary could snap Coulter’s heroin addict-like frame into a twig pile. And if Hillary ever got Coulter down and started applying pressure on her body with the H-woman’s mammoth thighs, it would be lights out for little Annie Fanny.
I think such a match would be highly entertaining and could probably break all records for a Pay-Per-View broadcast. Unfortunately, just thinking about the two of them will probably make me wake up screaming for the next few nights.