Hold on to your nuts …

The big storm Ike is down there in what we call the “Gulf of Mexico.” Nuts? Wild Hickory or Pecans?
Surprise! Our county dads called for a mandatory evacuation in Jefferson and Orange counties in Southeast Texas this morning bright and early. Nothing like having plenty of warning, but I don’t know enough about their decision to criticize. Besides, I am not going anywhere.

We may not be as lucky this time as with Gustav. The forecast, for the moment, puts landfall somewhere around Freeport, Texas, some 107 miles down the coast. The enormous wind field of Ike extends its tropical storm blows 200-something and about 110 miles for hurricane force winds. So we will likely get hurricane force winds here tomorrow. Don’t expect any postcards. I figure I will do a lot of reading and sleeping and probably listening to the radio or TV as long as power is available. No word on freelancing opportunities yet.

Ta. Talk to you when I can.


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