School yard taunting: Election 2008

Well, it seems we have finally progressed to the point of the presidential campaign which more resembles schoolyard name-calling than the process of electing the leader of the world’s most powerful nation.

Sen. John McCain’s people and his surrogates are raking Sen. Barack Obama over the coals because of the latter’s use of the term “lipstick on a pig.” The McCain camp said Obama was referring to McCain’s running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who in her Republican Convention speech pointed out the only difference between “a pitbull and a hockey mom (her self-description)is lipstick.”

McCain’s whiners say Obama is being ist. He says “fooey.” And I say grow the hell up!

Yes, this is the best we can do to elect our president, look for every little possible slight, each tiny nuance so it can be used to clobber over the opponent’s head. Ah, but the method in that madness of course is that they (Obama AND McCain) don’t have to talk about issues. There is nothing that’ll make a downer out of an election — especially a candidate with a blip bump from his wonderful Mrs. It Governor Miss Alaska Runner-up — like issues. Issues bad.

Geez, it makes me want to run into the eye of Hurricane Ike so perhaps it might toss me off into another dimension like Dorothy of Oz. Of course, those winged monkeys are pretty creepy …

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