How stimulating.

Bush: “Why the economy is so bad, I might have send the vice president out to shoot us some birds to eat.”

Well, it’s official. Prez Gee Dubya has finally admitted that the nation’s economy has “areas of real concern.” I’m glad we cleared that up.

The Dubya Man is putting forth a $145 billion package to stimulate the economy. The plan calls for massive tax cuts for the wealthiest one-third plus “a few bucks for the rest of the folks if we have it left over.” I’m only kidding. But the first thing you hear the Republicans in office say when there is any mention of economic woes is “tax cut.” Just as the first words you hear GOP elected officials say when the economy is robust are “tax cut.”

I love my Republican friends and have long agreed to disagree with them. But the Republican party has something bordering on an obsession with cutting taxes. It makes me wonder if there were no taxes, would the Republicans pass bills creating taxes just so they could cut them?

One thing is for certain. The amount of bucks I am hearing taxpayers may receive in rebates from the government will not be nearly enough for me to help stimulate the economy. I will use my rebate to pay my back taxes. Then if I have any money left I might eat out somewhere. If they want us to stimulate the economy, they need to throw some big bucks our way. Send me a million dollars. By golly, I can guarantee I will spend money like a crazy person.

I’ll be looking for my check, although I will not be holding my breath.

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