In 10 days I have to go to Washington, D.C., for another week of training for my part-time job with Uncle Sugar. Actually, I will arrive that Sunday afternoon and return to Texas Friday night. Since I’ve already tentatively scheduled separate dinner dates with one and possibly two friends, that will not leave me a whole lot of time to do much. Nonetheless, I have wanted to check out the Newseum — the interactive museum of news. I figured it would be open by now, but I just called and was told it won’t open until April. Oh well, maybe next time.
I did spend a little time surfing the Newseum Web site. I used to look quite often at their “Today’s Front Pages” feature which displays as it says the day’s front pages of newspapers from around the world. I don’t get a chance to see it much these days. It is interesting to compare newspapers in this country with those of foreign nations. Countries of South America, for instance, have some particularly interesting front pages. One might find a beauty on the front page of a Brazilian paper who, while not being exactly “N.N. ” (Nearly Naked) is somewhat “N.F.F.F.F.,” or (Not Far From Fabric Free.) Such as shown in the Amazônia Hoje of Belém, Brazil.
The bizarre and even shocking can be found in other places such as on this front page of La Chiva published in Medellin, Columbia. Warning: Contains Graphic Images. I don’t speak Portuguese but the best I can figure, the cow on this front page is responsible for the death of motorcyclists, two of whom are pictured as well.
There are some pretty interesting pages from throughout the world so if you have the time give the Newseum site a scan — then give yourself a merit badge for cultural diversity.