If you lose your ass in the stock market, don’t blame me

I was going to write about the economic slide that seems to have become even worse in the wake of the recent debt crisis, but I will instead leave a few articles by people who know more about what is going on than I do. Stop writing blank checks Obama? Give me a freaking break. Say those lines while $30 million a day has been lost over a shutdown affecting thousands of employees of the FAA and its contractors. While this matter now appears toward an ending, go right ahead and believe that this has to do with rural airports where few passengers fly when instead the problem’s roots has to do with the ability of aviation and rail workers to unionize. It’s much easier for the faux populists of the Republican Party to point at the waste of tax money at “itty-bitty” rural airports than have to explain all those complicated points of law involving federal agencies and multimillion lobbyists of Delta Airlines and the like.

So instead of my talking, let me let others do my talking for me on a day that the very solid financial site MarketWatch proclaimed of this horrendous day on Wall Street:

“Wholesale Bull Slaughter.”

First, a piece explaining why both Vice President Joe Biden and I think the Tea Party shows itself as a terrorist bunch, in this thoughtful piece by business columnist Joe Nocera of The New York Times.

Then, Jeff Reeves of MarketWatch writes about coming to terms with just how badly our nation was screwed by the Tea Party and the acceptance of the middling deal by the Democrats and President Obama.

Oh and Happy Birthday Barack. You may have had a happier 50th birthday than I did five years ago. But then, maybe not.