The Iraq situation report given Congress earlier this afternoon by Gen. David Petraeus and Amb. Ryan Crocker was hardly surprising. Both pointed to gains being made since the surge of thousands of more troops. What did anyone expect them to say?

That is not to say Petraeus, the commanding general in Iraq, was “cooking the books” in favor of the White House as some on the left have charged. But Petraeus was chosen to lead after the infusion of troops because he generally supports the White House point of view with respect to the Iraq situation.

Listening in between the lines, however, it doesn’t really sound like things are all that much better in that war that should not have happened. Petraeus said he thinks troops can be back to “pre-surge” levels by next summer. What happens after that is really unknown, he said.

Crocker said he thought the administration’s goals in Iraq were “attainable,” but he clearly stated it won’t happen soon. In fact, he said we may not even know when the turning point would be until long after it happens.

I know that makes me feel much better.

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