It will be a cold day in May before I …

“May Day, May Day, May Day … “

It was 68 degrees about an hour ago at the Jack Brooks Regional Airport in Nederland. That is about 15 miles southeast of Beaumont. This is May 3 and here I’ve been on the Gulf Coast near the Texas-Louisiana border freezing my cojones off. I don’t have to give that, “sure it’s not Montana,” speech. But it is only 3 degrees warmer here than in the often-shivering spot where my dear friend Sally lives, a place called Pittsfield, Mass. For those of you unfamiliar, Pittsfield its bordered by Vermont to the north, Connecticut to the South and New York to the West. And to the East? Why just the rest of Massachusetts.

What made it less than tolerable today was the steady northwesterly wind. Shiver me timbers and me box o’ Cheerios!!!

Speaking of cereal, I’ve got to get something to eat. I don’t feel like cooking. It’s a long story why. But with food inside me, I’ll feel something better. Aye matey? Here’s to a good weekend, a fair wind, following sea and a Derby full of dough on your favorite horse.

“Weep no more, my lady … ”


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