Obama Mania fills Texas streets

Well, that headline is a bit overstated I think. But to be certain, some enthusiasm over the Democratic race for presidential nominee is beginning to gather steam in what has been a sullen Republican Texas since Gee Dubya and his pet rock Turd Blossom made their failed attempt to build a Republican world.

Today, folks lined up outside the old Jefferson Theater here in Beaumont to await the arrival of Michelle Obama. The Jefferson probably hasn’t seen that kind of excitement since Paula Zahn held the racial forum there live on CNN.

The local Beaumont Enterprise gave an update on its Web site every 15-20 minutes or so chronicling Ms. Obama’s process:

11:30 AM: Doors open, crowd files into Jefferson Theatre as they await arrival of Michelle Obama

12:15 PM: Rally begins and Michelle Obama’s arrival is imminent, security says

Hmm. Imminent sounds like the crowd were waiting on a flood or hurricane.

12:45 PM: Michelle Obama tells crowd “Yes we can”

Somewhere someone yells: “No we can’t!”

1:25 PM: Obama talks of reaching an ever-shifting bar, health care and hope for future

The coverage is a bit much, seemingly trying to manufacture excitement, but that’s a newspaper for you this day and age. Nonetheless, I would rather see the Enterprise overplay it than leave the story half-cooked.

So far Bill has been here campaigning and now Michelle. If Hillary and Barack make it to the “Golden Triangle” of Beaumont, Port Arthur and Orange, Texas I think one will see some excited Democrats.

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