Things are getting ugly out there in Ernest

It seems like the 2008 presidential campaign has been going on forever. It feels like the Bush-Kerry election never happened. No swiftboating, no me standing out in the hot Central Texas sun as former Georgia Democratic Sen. Max Cleland asked the cops at the gate of Gee Dubya’s ranch to deliver a letter to the president. The letter, if I recall correctly, asked Bush to repudiate the swiftboating campaign against Kerry. But no, none of that ever happened. Gore got himself unelected and all of a sudden every able-bodied member of the Democratic Party and even the unable-bodied members of the Republican party decided to run for president in the 2008 election.

And now the smearing is gone into warp drive. People are all atwitter (hmmm) over an alleged affair that happened a few years back between a lobbyist and John McCain. Oh come on guys, you can do better than that.

I am sure someone, Limberger or Hannity the Prince of Darkness or Ann the Ghoul Coulter will blame Billary for the mishap today that took the life of a Dallas police officer who was escorting Sen. Clinton’s motorcade.

Surely the smearing of the presidential candidates will get nastier and sillier as the two party picks — McCain and Clinton O’Bama — begin the real campaign in Ernest. Yes, Ernest perhaps in Nevada or one of those “N” states. Heaven forbid I would use the word earnest when Ernest, which is long for Ernie, will suffice. But mark my words the mud will fly with the revelations that Hillary is really Bill. Obama is Swahili for Lucifer. McCain is actually and stuffed.

That’s right friends and neighbors, prepare yourself ’cause the worst is yet to come. Politics, only dogfighting is more gruesome.

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