Palin-Fey fest hurt my head. Civilization ends.

Sarah Tina Fey Palin signs something with a rather sturdy headless woman looking on.

So much was made in the media — as all things overblown tend to be — about the Saturday Night Live appearance of GOP Veep candidate and Moose Field Dressing Goddess Sarah Palin.

Palin, as those who may have watched SNL a time or two may know, bears a striking resemblance to actress Tina Fey, or vice versa. In fact, they look as if they were separated at birth. I watched the Palin appearance and I couldn’t tell them apart. The bit actually gave me a headache. It didn’t help matters that the skit wasn’t funny, as SNL has mostly ceased to be for the past 20 years.

I am sure Palin got something positive out of her appearance although I can’t figure out what it might be. I figure if anyone got screwed it was Tina Fey. But as its been pointed out, Palin hasn’t even held a news conference. How bizarre this culture has become.

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