What some people will do for a weak pun

EFD afterthought: For those of you who may have read this in various stages and with type-Os (like Cheerios but with a bite)and various misspellings, who gives a rat’s ass? It’s not like I’m getting paid for this bulls**t!!! and more !!! No actually, I am truly sorrymisspellingisnotagoodthing.orsnotagoodthing.

Oh, no here they come. It’s the return of the mannequins!!! Here again to brighten up our day. One of EFD’s most favorite obsessions. And she’s singing: “I’m too sexy for my lips, too sexy for my lips … ”

Perhaps you thought I put away the mannequins for good. Well, actually I brought them (her, it) back by accident in order to construct a very shallow visual pun. Oh, I see and what might that very shallow visual pun be, you might ask?

Surely it wouldn’t be … FACEBOOK???

Yes, I am sad to say that’s what it is.

For in my real life I have joined the world of social networking. It is experimental in this phase but the best benefit I have seen so far is visiting with some old friends.

Facebook is sort of like blogging but it seems that it can wrest control away from the user unlike a blog, on which you can exert control. Or so it seems. I haven’t really looked into every aspect of Facebook, just as I don’t read everything there is to read about blogging … or anything else it seems except for presidents. Ah, half-assed EFD! Oh well, it is good to have fresh mannequins to remind me of those heady days not so long ago. Why? I haven’t a clue. And they weren’t that heady. Hmm. It seems I have painted myself into a corner. Time to escape.

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