Do people really look like their pets? Some people do. But I would be hard pressed to find people who look like certain animals, were such animals pets. Take this Budgett’s frog for instance. It’s kind of cute in its own amphibian kind of way. If I were to describe this frog I would say it is something that looks like a saucer with legs.
Pandas are sort of bizarre looking. They look kind of like a stuffed animal that was dreamed up by someone with a dark soul who probably read too much Poe when they were younger. Probably someone somewhere thinks Sen. Dianne Feinstein looks bizarre as well. I don’t think she looks bizarre. I’ll just kind of leave it there.
Of course the king of the weird is the jackalope. What a perfect creature in every respect except for being a taxidermy trick. Just think of the havoc a jackrabbit with antlers could unleash out in the wilds. Probably a lot of lower limb injuries to humans would be one result were jackalopes aggressive. And real.
Remember: Be kind to animals. You never know what they’ll do next. And you don’t always know where they’ve been.