My bank, Bank of America, will begin charging a $5 monthly debit card usage fee on some accounts beginning in January. I had to go to the bank so I asked the person who screens the customers if my account was going to be one of those on which a fee was placed. The bank person looked up my account and said “yes.” That is probably because the charges will mostly fall on its least wealthy customers.
Although I was calm and civil about it, I gave that BOA person a piece of my mind about her company. The linked story above from Bloomberg explains the fee better than I could but in essence it seems that since BOA made such a mess of their affairs recently it decided to take it out on their customers. If you want to see why Bank of America is in so much disarray here is a good explanation. The shorter answer would be “greed.” I am sure some, such as a good friend who works for BOA, would disagree. But that is what I see as the honest answer.
I have experienced other difficulties with my bank over the past seven years during which I have had an account. Actually, I had a checking account with them for almost a year in the late 1980s. That was before “online banking” such as the account I now have. So, I am seriously searching for another financial institution. I use that term instead of bank because I am researching credit unions. We have a ton of those in this area that have been in business for years, so they must have done something right. We shall see.
In the meantime, a few thunderstorms/showers have slipped into Southeast Texas from the lakes area in the north to the coast. A severe thunderstorm warning has been issued until 4 p.m. in east central Jefferson county and western Orange County as well as parts of Cameron Parish, La. The NWS says a storm was detected a short time ago capable of producing winds in excess of 60 mph and dime-sized hail between Bridge City and Vidor. If you don’t live in these areas, I suppose it doesn’t mean much, if anything at all, to you.
There was nothing like that here in Beaumont but we have had some thunder and nice rainfall for a little while. I stepped out to see it rain like I normally do in these drought-stricken days. I also took in the fresh smell of the rain, which like the somewhat different smell before it rains, is a great natural wonder.
My ability to appreciate the smell before, during and after rains all increased — as did the ability to detect other smells and better distinguish different tastes — after I quit smoking. If you have not smoked as long as I did, for almost 30 years, and quit (11 years next month!) it might be difficult to believe how much cigarettes can deprive a person’s senses.
The work done at the behest of the government by the area’s chemical plants to clean up the air also help somewhat in smelling the floral essence during and after rains. That isn’t always the case. Those days and evenings especially when the area is enveloped by a heavy mist can still make for some stinky air although I would say in general the worst smell still comes from the Mead Westvaco paper mill about 20 miles to the northeast. The mill, which has changed owners a few times, has produced an unfavorable odor for as long as I can remember. That includes during the time when I was growing up and living 40 miles from the plant. I mean, the smell isn’t a continual presence, but does stink on occasions.
But nonetheless, the smell before it rains, when it rains and after it rains are among my simplest pleasures. The redolence depends on where one happens to be at the time such as in an urban setting, for instance, as where I live or in a rural area out in the fields or forests. Certain forms of bacteria can be released from the ground during rain. Odoriferant gases can also rise from trees and plants when rained upon or during extremely humid times. Rain also releases oil from city streets during rainstorms. So if you have an ability to smell, or at least to smell things fairly well, one can detect rain before it even starts sometimes.
A few drops are still falling outside. These rains and the lack of any decent rainfall for, I don’t know how long but too long, make me want the rain to just continue. I would love to see it rain into the night and into tomorrow. Nothing heavy, mind you, just steady. I’m not greedy, like my bank.
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