Four months have passed since I signed on to Twitter and I have six posts under my belt. Amazing productivity? You betcha Sarah Palin.
The problem is that I just haven’t figured a way to work Twitter into my life which is already filled with assorted technotivity (technical activity) such as this thing (EFD), Facebook, using a computer at work, other applications on my personal computer, my phone which doubles as a camera and camcorder, not to mention I have another blog sitting below this one on my Blogger profile just waiting for me to do something with it. I feel like I need to reboot my life.
I get what Twitter is. It is a microblog that allows communication within 140 words or less at a time. It was used quite extensively during the recent presidential inauguration. Every newspaper worth its salt and quite a few not worth a pepper had some local person Twittering from the Inauguration back to the home planet.
The trouble is, I just don’t know where Twitter might fit into MY life. And my pondering is all the more exasperating by learning that Twitter, the current big thing, isn’t making any money. What? Not making any money? Hell’s bells, even I make money. Not much money, but some.
The Motley Fool points, however, to Twitter being an emerging platform which could wind up in the money like Google and eBay. Maybe that’s the fact, perhaps Twitter is meant to be the latest Techno crack addiction, like the Crack Berry. Poor old Barack, our BlackBerry jonesin’ president, can’t even give it up. Part of my reticence toward Twitter could be that I am afraid that if I start obsessive use of Twitter, the powers that be will start charging for it and I will have to shell out bucks for it.
Until I figure out what if anything I can do with Twitter, it will just have to remain a dormant non-obsession in my once simple world now overrun with all types of technocrap. Tweet. Tweet.