That wacky Rod Blagojevich

It seems you can’t turn on the television these days without seeing Illinois Gov.-Waiting-to-be-Canned Rod Blagojevich. What’s more, you can’t see Blago without his drawing upon a comparison with himself and some historic, sainted figure such as Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Of course, while he is out mugging for Larry King and The View — who’s next Al Jazeera? — the Illinois State Senate is deciding whether to throw Gov. Awesome Hair out on his keister. Note: Gov. Awesome Hair should not be confused with Texas Gov. Good Hair Rick Perry.

Should Rodney Boy somehow manage to ONLY find himself out of work and not in a federal prison for trying to sell President Obama’s Senate seat then perhaps Blagojevich might have a new career on the small screen. Just think about it. He’s got all that hair. He’s outrageous. He has an ego that probably only Bill O’Reilly or Rush Limbaugh could match. Perhaps he could stage a massive chair fight with Jerry Springer. Jumpin’ Julie in July! Is this a great country or what?

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