Scrap heap paradise

Nature smacks around its toys near Holly Beach, La.

Large machines were dragging up tangled, steel messes this afternoon along Hwy. 82 near Holly Beach, La., that were once cars and trucks. It’s amazing how many people left behind automobiles when they headed for the hills to escape Hurricane Rita. The assumption would be that many of the abandoned cars wouldn’t run, but surely some were operable. Cars and trucks, and even a shrimp boat or two still litter the marshes a good 300 yards from the water almost 10 months after Rita hit.

I don’t claim to be a great photographer or even a photographer, except for the fact I know how to aim and snap the camera (and now download the pictures). With that lengthy preface, I note the above photo I took today heading back home to Beaumont after visiting Cameron, La., on business. I don’t know what the wheeled ruins were when they were meant to be something. Perhaps it was part of a trailer. I just liked the juxtaposition of the natural Gulf of Mexico setting in the background and nature’s most impressive sculpting.

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