The Smoking Gun has Tom DeLay’s mugshot. I won’t show it here but you can take a peek by clicking on Tommy Boy’s name above. Goodness, I’ve never seen a man so happy in a mugshot.
That’s certainly not the case with Runaway Bride Jennifer Wilbanks. Just look at her! She seems to have received an IV drip of Folger’s that morning.
I really love TSG’s mugshot collection. Check out this one of Steve McQueen. He’s cool even in his mug.
And who would win the nerdiest celebrity mugshot? Why the nerdiest rich guy on the planet — Bill Gates.
Then again, who can forget the Unabomber? And of course, Nick Nolte, on a unabummer.
Finally, and I do mean finally, to help you sleep soundly I give you Dr. Jack.