If you want an analysis about the elections today in the Northeast then get it here on the Washington Post’s site. Those folks might be a bit biased, but so what? You need to know what all sides are thinking if you are going to be informed about politics. And right now, cable TV just isn’t cutting it. Sure, you get both sides, but I am talking all sides because there are more than two sides to politics, especially this year.
You have your defined left and moderates in the Democratic Party, no matter that Limbaugh says all Democrats are far left radicals. You also have moderates in the GOP, although their own sometimes will call them RHINOs, Republicans in Name Only. Then, there is the Tea Party, which has, unfortunately, become known as the insane arm of the Republican Party. I say unfortunately because those Tea Partyiers who started off with fairly reasonable ideas now have become lost in the crowd of the real nut jobs. And in reality, the nuts are not really going anywhere except down in defeat this November. The GOP will be fortunate if the TPs don’t take them along for the ride.
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