This is intended to be somewhat of a factual post

Some days it is best to just let the links do the talking. That is true, meaning, it is not intended to be a false statement. I suppose that would be the inverse of the answer from a press flak for Republican U.S. Sen. Jon Kyl of Arizona in response to the senator’s comments on Planned Parenthood during last week’s federal budget debate.

Kyl claimed that abortions were “well over 90 percent of what Planned Parenthood does,” as the womens’ health organization became the whipping boy for Republican opposition to the budget even though it is illegal for Congress to provide funding for abortions in the U.S. Just to leave the (I loathe abortion/I support the right to choose) debate for a minute, Planned Parenthood says abortions are actually only 3 percent of what the organization does. And yes, some debate that number. But Kyl substantiated Planned Parenthood’s claims by default when his flak told reporters that what the senator said “was not intended to be a factual statement.

Let’s look at that phrase again. It “was not intended,” meaning the senator did not mean to make “a factual statement.” So, it was all said as a lie, big ol’ lie, liar, liar, pants on fire. Well if the statement from the press flak was correct and honest, then perhaps we have a rare example of a politician telling the truth although that is rather doubtful. Kyl and his office, or so it seems, could be just a tad deceitful via their double-speak.

Fly the unfriendly skies

Sen. Inhofe: I think that big X down on the runway means we can land there.

No, this is not about more sleeping air controllers.

This is instead a short mention of Oklahoma Sen. James Inhofe, yes another Republican, and his problems with landing an airplane.

It seems Inhofe was in South Texas awhile back and as a witness put it, “Scared the crap” out of some folks fixing a runway when the 76-year-old senator hopped over a group of construction workers and six vehicles while landing his Cessna at the Cameron County Airport. The airport had a big “X” on its threshold, which perhaps Inhofe mistook for “land right here.” It could be an Oklahoma thing, or it could be some kind right-wing thing to which those of us who don’t know the handshake are not privy.

The Smoking Gun, which filed a Freedom of Information request for recordings and documents involved in this debacle, lays it all out for the public to see. The FAA made Inhofe take a remedial class and would “expunge” the letter in his file regarding the incident and action in two years provided Inhofe doesn’t’ kill someone first.

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