It has been, how long, five hours? Still no reports are forthcoming that hordes of little children from the mostly white enclaves of Lumberton, Vidor or Bridge City in my area of Southeast Texas are taking to the streets dressed in Mao-style peasant garb complete with red commie stars.
Likewise, I’ve not heard from other parts of these United States of thousands of red and yellow, black and white, they are precioius in His sight children marching with clinched fists extended toward the heavens shouting their praise for Barack.
What? It couldn’t possibly be that President Obama’s speech to the nation’s school children has not touched off the so-feared socialist indoctrination the right-wing tried so hard to suggest would happen. Oh my. Perhaps it will be something covert.
Little boys cutting their hair short and wearing polo shirts like their savior Barack and little girls dressed like Sasha and Malia are probably in their dens right now plotting the coup of the children.
Teens, instead of playing ball, drinking some illicit beers and smoking cigarettes are meeting inside libraries trying with all their might to ignite the socialist will for their hero, the great Barack Hussein, o mighty socialist ruler!
Silly? Hell yes it’s silly. Like Obama press secretary Robert Gibbs said the other day: “It’s the silly season.” It was a thought echoed by Education Secretary Arne Duncan. The furor, Duncan said, is “just silly.” Silliness is the right’s forte and it has been spread like wildfire via a cable news cabal full of folks who are too f**king lazy to go out and report real news with meaning. No, they want drama. Drama is all important.
Let the hairy-armed, Joe the Plumbers wearing wife-beaters, tell the story with their ignorance. Screaming and crying: “We want our country back!” makes for more dramatic shots than pointy-headed Democratic smart guys and gals sitting around doing the policy wonk thing.
And then, there is, how shall I put this? There is this 800-pound g*****a in the room about which no one is saying a word.
Many didn’t want their kids to watch Obama’s speech today because they held deep-seated beliefs that the federal government needs to be out of their schools. No matter that tons of federal bucks help keep their schools up and running. Others didn’t want their kids to get “brainwashed” by the socialism being warned about by the right-wing noise machine. And if either reasons one or two didn’t do the trick, we still have that 800-pound g*****a in the room.
Yes, some people don’t want their kids being spoken to by a black man, or at least a black president. Maybe it would be okay if the kids heard a speech from Michael Jordan, or Shaq, or Bill Cosby, or even Collin Powell. You know, they all be the “hired help.” But it just won’t do to let their kids hear from some black man who dares holds himself up as the president. Why, he wasn’t even born in the USA was he?
You think I am imagining something? You think I have “black guilt?” Not one iota. I am sorry many blacks were enslaved many, many, many years before I was born, some of whom were sold into slavery by their own people. I am sorry but not wracked with guilt.
I talked with an old college friend yesterday who was raised in an affluent and very white part of a large American city. We got to talking about this silliness surrounding the Obama speech and without hearing my views, he said that the silliness stems from people not wanting their kids to hear a speech from a black president. Bingo!
Where is all the talk about a new day and hope and perhaps a new dialogue on race that the cable pundits and reporters (except from Fox) gushed about when Obama was elected? Now those same cable wise men and women seem to salivate when they can find any fault with BHO, not to mention an angry crowd of men in wifebeaters whose big-haired wives are ruining their painted faces, Tammy Baker style, by crying for a lost America that either was never lost to begin with or at the very least was lost by Mrs. Heavy Hair.
If you want to know the truth, I haven’t been as scared at what might happen in this country since 1968.
During that year of Tet, riots, assassinations, the world going topsy-turvy and not to mention being 12-turning-13 years old, there was plenty to freak about. The last eight years of George W., 9/11, the no weapons of mass destruction invasion of Iraq and a war in Afghanistan, were unsettling enough. The right wing was angry. Hell, they’re always pissed about something.
And it was not unexpected they would get pissed when the Democrats took over, led by a black man.
But the right wing wing nuts have become even nuttier. It seems that since they can’t get their way, right away, the old George W. “My Way or the Highway Style,” then they will just throw tantrum after tantrum and show how infantile and unsteady they are.
I don’t know about you, but that scares the ever-loving hell out of me.
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