Gimme a Social, gimme a Security, gimme a Reform
I have had a lot of fun — as have other bloggers, satirists and assorted bozos — over the “Sexy cheerleading bill” passed recently by the Texas House of Representatives. But fun time is almost over as the big gavel is about to fall in Austin in a matter of days. So too does it look as if the cheerleader booty-shaking ban could be historical toast as the Texas Senate seems to be looking at the measure as if someone tracked dog feces into the senate chamber. Of course, one might say the sexy cheerleading bill is somewhat like puppy excrement, or worse.
What no man nor woman, nor certainly a dog, wants to do at this point in the waning days of the legislative session is to turn away for a moment. Because sure as Rep. Suzzana Hupp is shooting, or filing a bill relating to shooting, some state lawmaker will try to hang some odious rider onto the back of a piece of legislation.
Such a practice is done as if it is a highly-reformed piece of statecraft in Washington. In Austin, tacking something ghastly onto another bill is just another reminder that we shouldn’t take just anyone off the street and put them into the legislature. Ah, but we do. And we have. And we will continue until the majority of us are barefoot, in tattered clothes and are marching down the highway singing: “Onward Christian Soldiers.”
Texas is high up on the list of having crackpot politicians throughout time. One only has to look at Lyndon B. Johnson, who was probably one of the best of the old-time pols, but who would still do something like hold his beagle up by its ears in front of press photographers. George W. (doesn’t he look fetching in the above photo when he was cheerleading at Andover?)merely drops his dog in front of cameras. So we are gradually making an improvement, right? Okay, maybe not.
This production of Guys and Dolls out in Austin are the poster children for changing how we elect our representatives. Although they all managed to stay in Austin this session — unlike the session before when the Democrats split for Oklahoma — we get this feeling we get each and every time when our legislative session barrels toward an ending. It is a feeling that we wished like hell they would have gone somewhere. North Dakota, maybe. Or Uzbekistan. Anywhere but Austin
We shall see how it plays out and if someone manages to sneak the sexy cheerleading bill onto say, a banking reform bill. While all of this starts going down, I will be diligently searching for new digs in the steamy “Golden Triangle” of Texas and may miss a few days holding this blog into place unless I can get to a computer somewhere in my travels. Maybe I can meet a hobo who has Wi-Fi. But I will be back, much to your dismay.
Until then, talk amongst yourselves.