I just had to dash this off this morning before I depart for the hinterlands.
I caught just a portion of a “breaking news” story one of the Dallas TV news stations had at 6 last night. The scene of the incident was taken from a helicopter and I’m not really sure what all was said, but it appeared a car had crashed into the Condoms to Go store that is located at Greenville Avenue and Lovers Lane (sigh). I didn’t read about it in this morning’s news sites so I suppose, thankfully, no one was seriously injured.
It is not my intent to indulge in the humor that such a misfortune might bring. (For instance: “Driver: We finally discovered where the rubber meets the road!”) I must note that I have seen billboards for this business for a number of years when driving through Dallas and found its name rather interesting.
“Condoms to Go.” Why Condoms to Go? Is is not only logical that “to go” is about the only place the proprietors would want for their product to be taken after it is purchased? I’m sure they wouldn’t like for someone to come in the store and say, “Don’t bother with the bag. I’ll just use mine here.”