
Earlier in the week I obtained a new iPhone since my discount for a new phone contract had come around. It’s kind of handy, especially since it might be next week before my new laptop arrives. Then there is all that BS — retrieving sites and programs and whatnot — with which to contend.

Things have been trying enough dealing with a new “smart phone” for one whose technical ability is probably on the edge of the universe compared to those who have worked with technology for a long time.

The term “smart phone” may not quite fall into the oxymoron category but learning mostly by trial and error makes the operator of a new iPhone makes one feel as if they are anything but smart. With my phone came a midget of a charger: a little plug with a USB cord. The package also included an earpiece. A paper booklet printed in several languages containing warranties and safety warnings could also be found in the phone package.

The most useless accompaniment was a pictured brochure giving the barest of information on the phone. Sure, you can find your way to a full-blown manual once you’ve managed navigation of the Safari browser that the phone included. Unfortunately, even the manuals written these day are penned as if the reader is already a tech genius, or a psychic, one might suppose.

The iPhone has a hell of a camera, a 5 megapixel one with an easy to use video. Once I master that part of the gizmo, I suppose I  could go shoot video for the local TV stations. At least stations that pay. Sorry, I am by trade a journalist so I don’t go giving my craft away for free. I wish some associates in my union would understand that. Well, the cameras aren’t THAT good but they seem to shoot a might better than anything I have owned except my current digital shooter.

My time here at the PL (public library) is quickly running out, so I suppose I should do a quick proof and publish. If something is erroneous, I will just have to fix it later on. I am really ready for my new laptop. Have I said that in the last hour?

No storms among the calm

Howdy, from the public library. The respite from my personal computer — my work-furnished computer and Blackberry are off-limits for most personal uses — has been on the calming side. The exception to my calm are those times when a surging urge to write and publish something seizes the inner-workings of my noggin. The “Binders of women” comment by Mittens Romney in this week’s presidential debate comes to mind.I am hoping though that my new laptop shows up sometime within the next week since I am on annual leave until the end of the month. I mean, a man can only endure so much calm.

I have been following news the best I can by reading a newspaper here and there. Then, there is television. The cable news outlets just want to draw out the horse race in the election for as long as possible. A little entertainment comes elsewhere here and there but the closer the election day draws near the more the entertainment aspect becomes a rarity.

Of course, I’ve also watched football. I was disappointed in the 42-24 loss to Green Bay by the Houston Texans on Sunday night. The Texans clearly were outplayed by the Packers. And even though Houston had been unbeaten up to that point I didn’t believe they could go on forever without a “L.” In fact, I fully expect Baltimore to beat Houston this week although a regular-season-ending injury to Ravens beast of a linebacker Ray Lewis could lessen the chance of a Baltimore win at Reliance Stadium. With that said, I still see the Texans making the playoffs and possibly facing Baltimore for the AFC crown, a repeat of the 2012 playoff game when the Ravens won 20-13. Lewis could be back for that game. It all depends on recovery from his torn tricep and the surgery to fix up his beast of a boo-boo.

It’s a beautiful fall day outside. It’s sunny and 78 degrees, according to the National Weather Service. The temp could fall to as low as 49 tonight, although I plan to be covered up and in dreamland when that happens. For now, I think I shall get into the outdoors and try to enjoy my first day of leave even though I have no plans to go anywhere, nor money to facilitate going anywhere. Same song, different verse.


Blogger Blues

It can be quite a chore writing a blog when you are computer-less. I am waiting to see if I can convince my laptop manufacturer to fix my machine for less than the sum they have proposed. If no luck, I guess I will have to buy a new one. Such is life. Oh, I am writing this from the downtown public library. I don’t possess some kind of telekinetic power, at least when it comes to computers. It’s a long story. It’s that dirty old downtown blogger’s blues.


My Dad at 97. What he saw. What he would have seen.

My Dad would have been 97 years old tomorrow. Quite often I wonder what he would have thought of events and developments had he lived beyond what I see as a premature death, just a month after I graduated from college in 1984.

The nearly 70 years Pop lived certainly provided quite an odyssey full of monumental persons, places and things, as is the simple version I learned of the word “noun.” From Pop I likewise picked up quite a menagerie of nouns, not to mention pronouns, adjectives and exclamations, such as his famous line: “A whole flock of bird dogs flew over!”

I could no doubt write a book on my Dad, his wit, and all his complexities. But I will limit myself here to a few events through time that my Dad witnessed and those he missed after his passing.

My father was born John — and died as well — as his father before him. Pop described his birthplace in the East Texas sawmill town of Pollok as a rail car in which his family was living at the time. The great virgin pine forests of the time were being leveled by big-city tycoons about as fast as their impoverished minions could do so with a crosscut saw and teams of oxen. At the time, “The War to End All Wars” was underway across the Atlantic, a land which must have seemed as distant as the moon to the East Texans who barely scraped by on the sweat and aching muscles from a long day’s toil in the Pineywoods. Our country would not send its young to what became known as World War I until a couple of years later, with that entrance providing the impetus for the armistice. That wouldn’t happen until 35 million civilians and soldiers were dead or wounded. More than 116,000 Americans died. Another 205,000 suffered wounds including the horrific effects of nerve gas.

The automobile began to take off in my Dad’s infant days. Commercial flight was still some years to come. He did his long-distance travel by train and ship. He probably hopped more freight trains than rode on fare. Growing up in the days of the Depression, he would use his thumb as a means of travel probably most of all. Pop got to drive, or ride in, some of the fastest cars of the time in his youngest of adult years, as an ambulance attendant as part of his duties at a Lufkin funeral home. I was certified though worked very little as an EMT in the 70s and 80s. In those days we spoke of “patient management.” I will always remember the Old Man talking of a patient they picked up in the boonies who had tried to do herself in by swallowing lye. He said the woman “acted crazy as hell” until he finally found a thermos bottle and controlled her by a whack to the head. There you have his patient management. Oh well, whatever works.

Then came World War II. Pop had served in one of Mr. F.D. Roosevelt’s Depression-Era make work programs called the Civilian Military Training Corps. During summers in his late teens he would hop a freight from East Texas and make his way to San Antonio for training. Upon completion of the camp he was commissioned a second lieutenant in the Texas Guard and worked for awhile as a National Guard recruiter. When the war broke out he found his fate would be that of a dogface infantry officer. In what to me seems a very wise choice he resigned his commission and joined the Merchant Marine, becoming a steward, or a cook’s helper.

Pop got to see a little bit of the world: both coasts, Cuba, Aruba, Alaska, Russia. He didn’t get to see Vladivostok until his ship fought off a Japanese — he called them “Japs” — air attack. Of course, we all know how the war ended, with the atomic bomb used two and — so far — only two times.

When he was young, Pop built “crystal” radios and made himself a broadcaster. He would eventually see large radio sets with tubes give way to tiny transistor ones. He was likewise there for the beginning of broadcast TV. I can remember when an aunt and uncle brought us our first television. He remembered Jack Benny and all the other funny men of those days when he listened to them on the radio. We shared a lot, my Mom, Dad and I, on television. Mother was working and Pop was at home when he heard John Kennedy was shot. It was raining that day and I usually walked the couple of blocks home. I don’t know how he knew to pick me up at school early, other than having watched TV, but he was there.

My Dad and I would go on to watch “Green Acres” as well as Neil Armstrong walking on the moon.

He grew up without air conditioning. So did I. My parents never had A/C until late in life, when a brother and his wife bought them one.

My Dad talked when I was a kid about Halley’s comet. It was visible where he lived only months after he died. A friend sat up a telescope in the field surrounding the farm house I rented back then. Halley’s turned out to be a bust. But I bet Pop would have loved Hale-Bopp. I think he would have equally loved the young lady I was seeing around that time.

After Pop died came the computer and telecommunication explosion. I was probably in puberty when we got our first camera. It was a Polaroid Swinger, instant black and white. Later would come a Kodak Instamatic. I don’t know what he would say about cell phones, much less ones that take a picture you can send instantly almost anywhere in the world. I have no idea what he’d say about the Internet. I think I know what he’d say about modern customer service by phone and elsewhere. That utterance would be peppered with one of the colorful phrases he could use.

How 9/11 would phase Pop and the following wars, I think I know how he would feel. He would support those fighting the wars no matter what. Some of my brothers said my Dad probably would not have taken kindly to the first black president. He came from a different time and place, even though I think my father was a little more tolerant than my brothers give him credit. Like me, he respected the office even if he didn’t respect the man. I think he would have cheered that Osama bin Laden got it, no matter which president was in office. And as my friend, Bruce points out, we know for a fact Osama is dead: ” … he turned up on the voter rolls in Chicago this spring. Voted in the democratic primary,”

A snippet of other developments Bruce mentioned that Pop missed: Robot vacuum cleaners, texting, sexting, social media, widespread e-mail, LED television. Plus, from me: “Reality” television shows, 24-hour cable news, celebrity worship, the diversity of food and beverage, and its availability, $4-gas, $10-hamburgers, “The Most Interesting Man in the World,” the AFLAC Duck, the GEICO gecko … And on and on.

You’d have marveled at it Pop, if you were here. And yeah, a lot of it would piss you off as it does me. I miss you.