Was it the bard, the “Man in Black,” the late Johnny Cash, who said: ” … bad news travels like wild fire, good news travels slow … ?” That might be debatable with today’s rapid communication, an Internet here, a BlackBerry there, here an iPod, there an iPod, everywhere, an iPod, iPod … Well, you get the drift. Or so I hope because I am damn well confused. Oh yeah, good news.
No. 1. I apparently don’t have Parkinson’s Disease, according to a neurologist whom I saw this morning at the Houston VA Hospital. After performing a few tests with my hands and feet, the doc felt sure that what has been causing my hands to shake all over during the past year is a condition called essential tremor. You can read the description in the link from the Mayo Clinic, but essential tremor is kind of like the “Seinfeld” of movement disorders. It’s a tremor about nothing. The physicians speculate what causes it, but probably don’t have a clue so they just make something up in order that the disorder has a name. It’s kind of like people no longer dying of old age. That’s been cured. What kills is heart disease, respiratory failure, or Clara Harris in a Mercedes-Benz. But I digress.
No. 2. Awaiting the verdict of a background check, I have been tentatively offered and have tentatively accepted what appears to be a pretty decent part-time job. If nothing goes wrong, such as my background check turning up that I am really Vladmir Lennin, this job would allow me to survive somewhere else than inside my pickup truck. And the funds would also keep me going as I continue to pursue my real number one vocation — goat auctioneering. No silly, freelance writing.
It is a wait-and-see situation as to what effect, if any, this job might have on old EFD here. It’s not particularly time-wise but rather the position itself, which I will not mention. I mean, it’s not exactly like working for The Company or The Pope, but I still don’t know all the ground rules so we will wait and see. If push comes to shove, I might have to turn the blog over to one of my seldom-seen alter egos. But let’s just make sure I have the job and the cash starts rolling, rolling, rolling …
My sincere thanks to all those who have contributed during these lean times and remind you that the opportunity continues to exist for contributing. Once I begin work I will need things such as a roof over my head, electricity, running water, la, la … So it’s not to late to punch the little donation button and watch PayPal pay me. TTFN.