No video but much more about our gal Gov. Palin

For some reason I have had trouble uploading videos to the blog. There could be any number of reasons with the top one having something to do with my technical incompetence.
The video I would like to upload today concerns the alleged foreign policy experience of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the GOP veep, candidate. Palin, as many of you know, has claimed she can see Russia from where she lives and this somehow raises her foreign expertise.

CNN’s Gary Tuchman visited the little island which Palin claims is where she can see Russia. The problem is that the folks on this little island — some of whom didn’t know Palin had been nominated for vice presidential candidate — said the governlady has never visited there before. That’s okay, really. I mean, hey, I’m sure it’s hard to get CNN out there on that island. And I’m sure her commanding the Alaska National Guard prevents her from visiting every little nook and granny in that humongous state. I do think the video would be quite enlightening though. But unfortunately, as I mentioned before, I can’t upload the video so I will just have to provide a link to Tuchman’s blog, like how about this?

People who support Palin shouldn’t be disheartened. After all, she is a voracious reader, according to her recent interview with Katie Couric. (Here’s a link to a transcript, also no instant video). The only problem is that she won’t divulge what she has read. But that is okay too. I mean, I have read some pretty raunchy stuff in my life. I even used to read Playboy. I didn’t look at the pictures though. Oh yeah, I think I also looked at a High Times once although I certainly didn’t inhale.

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