As the ever omnipresent “they” say in “these” parts, it’s time to p**s on the fire and call in the dogs.
The McCain-Obama debate last night was the last chance for McCain to get the wallop he needs for a win. And last night he was only able to summons a tap.
McCain did better than he had in the two previous debates but one couldn’t help but notice he appeared tense and looked on a number of occasions like he wanted to jump across the table and flail his distinguished “friend” from Illinois.
Obama, whom some of the Republican pundits this morning called “flat” (imagine that!), seemed calm, cool, and collected. He could have made an anti-perspirant commercial.
I think public opinion will show that McCain lost all three debates. Whether or not that translates into anything at the ballot box, well, we just have to see. But despite public opinion, presidential elections aren’t over until they are over. (They’re over when I say they’re over! — just kidding). If I were a guessing man … hey, wait, I am. My guess is Obama will win in a fairly close race. I don’t think it will be a landslide and I don’t believe it will be one of the squeakers or strangleholds as we’ve seen in recent times. But as “they” like to say: “What do I know.”