Look at the image in the upper right corner. Do you see that clump o’ aquamarine or blue or whatsit that obscures the the southern Texas and Louisiana border? You don’t? Well look again. Yes. That’s what I’m talking about. It is an image of the rain that has been hanging around here in Southeast Texas for hours and hours.
The rain has stopped here in Beaumont — for the time being at least. But it seemed as if it rained non-stop from midnight until about an hour ago. I can’t state that as fact. I just know that when I woke up a couple of times during the wee morning hours the rains were pouring. And the forecast doesn’t look good. No, I’m not talking about the official National Weather Service forecast. It isn’t so good either with an 80 percent chance of rain “coverage” as they say in these parts on TV. I refer to the squirrels’ forecast.
Yes the neighborhood squirrels must know something we don’t. And it’s freaking me out. There’s this one little squirrel out in the yard. It has a big, white clump of hair under its chin like a long beard. And that squirrel has built a little boat. The other squirrels and all sorts of other small animals are lining up two-by-two walking up the gang plank. I saw a couple of roaches, some ants, a couple of grackles, at least one Gopher dressed in white. It’s just a steady stream. Looks like Noah the Squirrel and his little friends are getting set to sail away on … The Animal Love Boat! Yes, my friends, The Love Boat, soon will be making another run. The Love Boat promises something for everyone. Set a course for adventure, Your mind on a new romance …
I think I need a padded cell.